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Question about Private Cheat for 1.6


New Member
So im bout to buy the Private Cheat for HL1 games (Counter strike 1.6)

But i have a few question.
I will be using for CEVO is it 100% Proof anyone currently used it for CEVO yet?
I know it says its proof just wanna make sure if anyone have used it in CEVO

Also the cheat says

I know what ESP and WALLS are but what are the rest? Because all i need is Wall hack nothing else.

Also im assuming Engine team lambert mean coloring team like red blue? Is that turn off able? Because i might have to take screenshot etc.
Basicly is ESP and WALLS can u turn it off and on while in game like SSW?

Thanks for any help. Will be refreshing through out the day!

<3 Jimster


INI LOADING is what your asking about.
Meaning it can change any settings before launch and also change settings ingame as well.

As for CEVO, I don't use it for it so I can't tell you...
but I can tell you that its not up to cevo's ac its how you use the cheat.


New Member
yeah i can for sure hide it i just toggle on real quick just to know were they are real quick and play it slow.

But one other question

can i use a debit card to pay for this? I got a walmart debit card .


New Member
BearMan said:
yeah i can for sure hide it i just toggle on real quick just to know were they are real quick and play it slow.

But one other question

can i use a debit card to pay for this? I got a walmart debit card .

nvm i just order it hopefully jimster gets back to me soon


New Member
yeah i just got a email from him yesterday afternoon for user and pass i senthim what i wanted it too be

hopefully i get a reply today :/


If not, just try the username and password to log in and download the hack anyways.
Jim is a busy man but you'll get it shortly regardless.


New Member
Yeah i got it today having a little trouble went on irc and pm'd someone

but my problem :
i run the exe then i open cs1.6 then it just closed cs1.6 i have everything updated i even made sure avg has it on its ignore list etc.


Staff member
BearMan said:
Yeah i got it today having a little trouble went on irc and pm'd someone

but my problem :
i run the exe then i open cs1.6 then it just closed cs1.6 i have everything updated i even made sure avg has it on its ignore list etc.

open it after you open the game then?


New Member
i just tried that (open cs then open exe)

but all it did was crash my game couldnt window back up

i tried it out of server and in server :/


New Member
Xion said:
Change sleep time and or LTYPE.

i tried both

at first changing Ltype 1 or 2 would let me turn cs1.6 first then load the exe but when windowing back up it would crash after .05-1sec


You already disabled ingame-gui correct?
I did 200 for sleep and LTYPE of 2 and TYPE 1.
It worked and than changed it back to LTYPE 1 which kept it working, weird glitch.


New Member
I tried what u said it work but when i close to restart it didnt work so id di the Ltype 1 and it work but when i closed again didnt work i guess i have to keep doing 2 and 1 but

in game i keep freezing kinda it feel like constant lag spike every 1-2sec

i have a 9800 GT nvidea 4gb amd phenom 2 ~_~ i wouldnt think i would lag

but keeping it at Ltype 2 i wont lag as much seem playable ( basicly if i start with LType2 ill just window so i dont have to switch to 1)

1 last question how do i keep my cheat up to date? basicly what im doing now is "opening the folder run exe play cs i dont do anything else


1.) Just check the forums or just use the updater to check for a new one.
2.) The constant lag is being fixed in the update, please be patient.
3.) Change your settings to disable all, such as aimbot, etc. Just change them in game. (Works for me, same problem)


Staff member
BearMan said:
I tried what u said it work but when i close to restart it didnt work so id di the Ltype 1 and it work but when i closed again didnt work i guess i have to keep doing 2 and 1 but

in game i keep freezing kinda it feel like constant lag spike every 1-2sec

i have a 9800 GT nvidea 4gb amd phenom 2 ~_~ i wouldnt think i would lag

but keeping it at Ltype 2 i wont lag as much seem playable ( basicly if i start with LType2 ill just window so i dont have to switch to 1)

1 last question how do i keep my cheat up to date? basicly what im doing now is "opening the folder run exe play cs i dont do anything else

If its repetative every few seconds then please turn off the internal SS cleaner by putting cleaner=0, that makes clean SS for the F5 Screenshots, but it must take a clean SS every few seconsd for a buffer becaues it can not be cleaned in real time. So that is what the pause is.


New Member
its not the lag in game

its the fact that i cant turn on counter-strike

i have searched every thread on this forum and tried every suggestion and nothing seems to be working

when i run the loader in "type=2" (NOT LTYPE=2), it will start cs but the cheats wont load
anything other than type=2 means game crash no matter what
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