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Wintermaul v.74


Staff member
Fixed Selling Issue on Tornado Caller, Machine Gun, Chain Gun, C4, etc
Added Super Easy (Nub Mode). 600 Starting Gold, 2 Starting Lumber, 50 Lives.
Added Lives Counter To Leaderboard

Obliteration Race Added
Added ability to buy wood (-buy wood) costs 1000 gold
Added abiliity to sell wood (-sell wood) sells for 1000 gold
Added ability to see lives (-lives)
Added ability to see air levels (-air)
Breeze Can Update To Wind Soul
Tweaked Sparkler Tower
Tweaked Battery
Fixed Crime Lord Sell Amount
Fixed Sonic Boom Sell Amount
Removed Darkout
Removed Flood Tower Ability
Fixed Boot Nexus
(Boot people by killing the tree by their spawn with boot nexus)
Added Laser Cannon Back In
Adjusted Splash Damage on laser cannon
Fixed Tornado Caller Ability
Crime Lord Chance for Lumber is 1/100 (fixed tooltip)
Fixed Paralyzer
Fixed Tooltip for Earth Gate and Gaia's Servant
Fixed Tooltip for Tornado Caller
Upgraded Bash for Tazer Lazer
Fixed Hotkeys for Hideout
Fixed Spelling in Demonic Empire Race
Removed Pillage From Fire Minion
Removed Upgrade Hall from Space Station
Removed Backpack Research Button from Space Station
Changed Frost Cannon Model To Clickable One
Changed Gravity Vortex To Clickable Model
Removed Keep Upgrade from Hideout, Insect, Book of Rain, Blob
Fixed Selling Amount on ALOT of towers
Now all towers can be sold
Fixed Crystal Fury Upgrading To Lesser Towers
Fixed Plasma Burster Tooltip
Fixed Incinerator Tower Upgrading to Crystal Towers
Fixed Hunter Blob Tooltip
Sped Up Build Time of Battery

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Email me with Bugs or tips at: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->
Or Hop on irc @ irc.0v1.org, #0v1 or any channel im in.
PM me if im not around

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