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Ultimate Web Developer Bundle $718.00 $59.00 (92% off)


A powerful source control management program, Git will allow you to track changes and revert to any previous versions of your code, helping you implement an efficient, effective workflow. With this course, you’ll master everything from setting up your Git environment, to writing clean code using the Reset and Revert features, to ultimately understanding the entire Git workflow from start to finish.

  • Work in parallel on different parts of your project & manage diversions using branching in Git
  • Manage conflicts in your Git app using Merge, a developer’s “magic missile”
  • Easily eliminate errors w/ features such as Reset & Revert
  • Make your code linear and better control it using features like Rebase & Blame
  • Effortlessly control code changes using Patches
  • Integrate external software into your project without affecting your app, w/ the help of SubModules
Build your knowledge of CSS, master one of the most valuable tools in modern web design, and take your development skills to the next level. You’ll review important CSS foundations, dive into responsive design, and more, becoming adept at creating sleek, feature-rich apps in less time than it takes for you to say “Cascading Style Sheets” three times fast.

  • Dive into all things CSS w/ 4 hours & 44 minutes of content
  • Master CSS fundamentals: the box model, anatomy of a rule set, types of style sheets, etc.
  • Create page layouts w/ floats & eliminate issues using techniques like the clearfix hack
  • Build a main navigation menu, drop-down, buttons & other interactive page elements
  • Craft a responsive design using a fluid grid, flexible images, etc.
  • Implement web fonts to great effect using the @font-face property
  • Display the workflow for HiDPI (Retina) devices w/ 2x images, 1.5x images, JavaScript approaches, etc.
When developing for today’s web user, you have to consider devices of varying screen sizes: tablets, smartphones, and more. Here, you’ll learn to craft responsive websites that provide an optimal viewing experience on them all. Utilize HTML5 and CSS3 to convert fix-width layouts, format layouts that adapt to different browser sizes, and more, and acquire the skills you need to quickly and efficiently create your own responsive website.

  • Build a responsive site from mockup to HTML & CSS implementation w/ over 2 hours of content
  • Understand the pros & cons of responsive web design compared to other techniques
  • Build a fluid layout starting from a digital mockup
  • Create breakpoints in a layout & write the code to modify your site layout at each breakpoint
  • Test & maintain your responsive code on different devices
  • Format headers, footers & column layouts that adapt to different browser sizes
  • Target specific viewports to present an optimized view of your site for a given device
Why reinvent the wheel by building oft-used components and functionalities from scratch? Turn to jQuery UI, and benefit from this suite of official plug-ins for the jQuery library. Utilizing features such as the ThemeRoller app (which allows you to quickly skin components), you’ll save hundreds of hours in development and benefit from a solid platform on which to build rich, engaging interfaces.

  • Master jQuery UI development w/ over 2 hours of content
  • Set up a custom jQuery UI library & make it more efficient to use
  • Understand how components work & how to quickly skin them
  • Use the ThemeRoller to quickly create custom themes
  • Understand how events work in jQuery UI
  • Utilize hands-on demonstrations w/ detailed explanations & code
  • Build drag-and-drop elements
  • Work w/ over 9 key components
Bump your development skills up a notch by mastering Git. This distributed version control system allows you to batch track the history of your file edits, and to identify when and where your code has changed. You’ll learn how to initialize your first repository, manage your commit history, and more, gaining the tools you need to quickly and efficiently handle any development project.

  • Create a Git repository to start tracking versions of your projects
  • Contribute to different projects by making commits to Git repositories
  • Secure your repository with the help of SSH keys
  • Work with multiple people on a project using Branch and Merge commands
  • Link to the online remote copies of a repository & stay updated w/ the changes
  • Add tags to mark the deployed versions of the project
  • Resolve the bugs by tracing code changes to its origin
AngularJS is a Google-backed JavaScript framework that simplifies development of single-page apps. Add this modern framework to your repertoire, and you’ll automate the coding of repetitive tasks such as rendering and event binding. This will free you to work on the actual logic of your code, equipping you to build rich, quality apps faster than ever—and without cutting any corners at that.

  • Delve into AngularJS w/ over 2 hours of content
  • Scaffold your app entirely w/ the Yeoman tool
  • Build a dynamic page & render lists of items in one line of code
  • Program Reactions on user-interactions such as clicks, selection change, blur & more
  • Easily validate data present in forms, from simple required fields to complex custom form validation
  • Efficiently handle routing between different pages of an app
  • Load data from external sources in the background using AJAX calls w/ Angular
  • Master the use of performing actions asynchronously by creating worker threads
Grunt, an industry-standard JavaScript task runner, is used by professional developers to automate the most repetitive parts of their workflow. It’s loaded with a wealth of plugins to expedite your development process and reduce human error. You’ll learn to build an entire workflow, progressing towards utilizing advanced configurations and even creating your own plug-ins by course’s end.

  • Use the command line to lint & build source files, run unit tests, and preview your site in a web server
  • Utilize Node.js to create scalable & real-time applications
  • Configure Require.js to accelerate your code performance
  • Minimize your work time by adding multiple configurations for a single task
  • Test your code like a pro using Karma & Jasmine
  • Integrate Git into your Grunt workflow for powerful source control management
  • Identify common issues & problems in Grunt and learn important troubleshooting skills
Web developers today are looking to create reusable workflows and development tools in JavaScript that will dramatically streamline development. In addition to being able to run custom commands easily, Grunt makes your web development experience very rewarding by reacting whenever a file is changed and performing the actions needed. This course will help in all aspects of development, from writing better code to deploying compact production packages.

  • Start with a simple Grunt file and move on to building a fully functional workflow and deployment system.
  • Deal w/ simple tasks like renaming, moving & combining files
  • Create concise & compact deployment packages
  • Create a basic file then build upon it to achieve various levels of automation
  • Use a range of plugins to achieve concatenation, image minification, responsive image creation
  • Compile many types of languages
  • Test your code using multiple testing frameworks such as JSLint, PhantomJS, and Beha
  • Get introduced to advanced uses of Grunt involving custom command-line commands
Modern web development is filled with an abundance of tools and technologies, but it’s difficult to know where to begin. You want to both work efficiently and build high performance sites—Gulp delivers both. With its rising popularity, you don’t want to leave Gulp out of your toolbox. This course will teach you to use the tools needed to create better websites through clear examples and step-by-step instructions.

  • Learn to set up Gulp & write basic tasks
  • Study common use cases to create a plugin from scratch
  • Get hands-on experience w/ practical examples
  • Optimize files & automate the process of testing code
  • Gain a deeper understanding by looking at how streams work & how to define custom plugins
  • Learn to create your own apps & test them
This course will take you through all the essential tools to begin writing better CSS with LESS. You’ll start with the basics, as the course highlights all of the key features in easy-to-follow, step-by-step chunks, ending with some existing scenarios. You’ll not only learn how to write smart code, but you’ll learn why LESS is a beneficial addition to your existing workflow.

  • Learn about additional publications to further your education
  • Study variables
  • Learn LESS’ way of storing repetitive data such as color values, font sizes & more using customized names
  • Study mixins, a CSS type function in LESS that
  • Learn how to write shorter, cleaner CSS
  • Get to know various functions & operations available within LESS
  • Simplify your CSS & perform impressive actions
This course will not only help you become a better front-end developer, but make your life easier with its explanation of this powerful tool.
You’ll begin with a bang, getting your first SASS files up and running within the first 10 minutes. You’ll then then move on to understanding and implementing more advanced SASS concepts.

  • Learn how to include variables & nesting
  • Make your life easier w/ simpler code
  • Gain insight into the Bourbon library for cross-browser compatibility
  • Review the website
  • Enhance your CSS workflow
JavaScript is the browser language that supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles, focusing on website behavior. JavaScript provides web developers with the knowledge to program more intelligently and idiomatically—and this course will help you explore the best practices for building an original, functional, and useful cross-platform library. At courses’ end, you’ll be equipped with all the knowledge, tips, and hacks you need to stand out in the advanced world of web development.

  • Get a foundational knowledge of OOP coding
  • Explore naming convention best practices for primitive variables, constructors, methods & properties
  • Learn about creating global namespace & pure JavaScript onload script
  • Walk through cross-browser compatibility
  • Learn how the onload & DOMContentLoaded events are triggered
  • Use querySelectorAll method & dynamically load scripts using a script loader
  • Build up the instructor’s library by integrating code, methods & logic
UnderscoreJS is a library of utility functions for JavaScript that helps to simplify JavaScript code. It can be used with any other library or framework, and works great as an addition to jQuery, AngularJS, BackboneJS, or any other framework you might be using. Rapid UnderscoreJS is a quick introduction to making the most of the UnderscoreJS library. Using a practical example project, it shows you not just how but why you would want to use UnderscoreJS’s methods.

  • Learn what the UnderscoreJS library is & why you would want to use it
  • Discover how to incorporate UnderscoreJS into an existing browser or NodeJS-based project
  • Dive deeper into UnderscoreJS concepts to deal with arrays & objects
  • Learn to filter, group & sort
  • Explore JavaScript’s “this” context to manage binding
  • See how new functions can easily be made by partially applying the existing functions
  • Use debounce, throttle, once & after
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