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Ultimate Meme Script


Description: Ultimate Meme Script is an online viral media Script which lets you upload gags and share it on social media netowrks. The script comes with meme maker along with 700+ blank meme templates (ability to add more)

Ultimate Meme Script was developed using Laravel and Bootstrap which allows administrator to escalate the application as his desire using this frameworks.

  • Easy to Install
  • Meme Upload
  • Top users Scoreboard
  • User profiles
  • User Follow system
  • 2-Level Commenting system
  • Social Network Integration (Facebook, Twitter, Google)
  • Automatic Watermark (Image or Text)
  • Meme maker
  • Pre-Load GIFs
  • Add Tags to posts (Ajax Based)
  • Pie-Chart maker
  • Demotivational poster maker
  • Poweful Admin dashboard
  • 100% Responsive Design

Post with Tags(Ajax Based)

Rank based Scoreboard

700+ Blank Meme Templates

2-Level Comment System

100% Responsive Design

Meme Maker

Pie-Chart Maker

Demotivational Maker

Pre-Load GIFs

Powerful Admin Dashboard

Script Requires:
  • Operating System : Linux
  • Web Server : Apache
  • PHP Version: 5.4+
  • PHP Allow_URL_Fopen ON
  • PHP FileInfo Module Enabled
  • PDO extension
  • PHP GD Extension
  • PHP CURL Enabled
  • Mod_Rewrite Module Enabled
  • Mysql 5.x
Password : 0v1.og
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