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Hey jimster :)

I just got xbox360 and COD4. I saw some sick mods and hacks for xbox360, but they dont show me how.
I just have a couple questions.

1) How can you mod? What types of modding are there? (A link would suffice)
2) Whats the difference between modding and hacking?
3) Is it possible to hack on xboxlive?

Thanks guys~


Slow down mo fucka.

  • Hacking/Modding a xbox goes from chip to soft modding
  • Control modding also were you hace rapid fire
  • Finally system modding where you can play burnt xbox live discs.

If you need help, this is what my friends and I do.
Xion said:
Slow down mo fucka.

  • Hacking/Modding a xbox goes from chip to soft modding
  • Control modding also were you hace rapid fire
  • Finally system modding where you can play burnt xbox live discs.

If you need help, this is what my friends and I do.

Yes i need help. Do you have an AIM or some where i can message you rapidly (anything but forum). Nothing personal Jimster480, But i need quick responses. I <3 this forum. The mod's are so nice.
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