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Small Key Toggle Macro


#include <windows.h>

#define KeyState( Key , state , btoggle ) \
if(!GetAsyncKeyState( Key ) ) { btoggle = false; } \
else { if( !btoggle ) { state = !state; btoggle = true; } }

Use it this way .

bool xqz = false;
bool xhair = false;
bool Toggle[2] = {false};

KeyState( VK_F12 , xqz , Toggle[0])

KeyState( VK_F11 , xhair , Toggle[1])


Whenever VK_F12 (F12) / VK_F11 (F11) is pressed , xqx/xhair will toggle between true and false . 8)
This Macro only uses one GetAsyncKeystate . Others forced to use at least two . Using &1 results in hotkey spam .
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