New League Cheats Website Preview!

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Before i start, i want to say i have FULL PERMISSION FROM JIMSTER480!

ive ask jimster480 if it would be ok to work on a new website for the league cheats community. he said that would be a great idea! so i got to work!

Here is a little preview of what ive done so far:

if some 1 is able to code and wants to be apart of this project,

add me on MSN: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->

i hope that the new website will be a success and the members from this community would like it too :)


You would get 25 to life if the grammar police got ahold of this + your posts.

Hellen Keller was more proficient with a keyboard then you are sir. LOL


New Member
Jesus christ justify just owned this kid trying to get free cheats.

and i like his sig, how he thinks hes apart of the staff? branding himself like that.
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