Internet Explorer memory usage just keeps expanding


New Member
This has been occurring in the past 2 or 3 weeks. With Internet Explorer (7) on, after awhile its memory usage (as seen in Windows Task Manager) just gets larger and larger until it finally locks up, at which time it's not even possible to view Task Manager any more in order to end its process or shut the application. I have to force a shutdown to start using the computer again.

What is going on here? I didn't seem to have this problem before. Not sure how to fix it.

Any info or help appreciated.


To do list:
  • Run a spy and anti-virus scan. Doesn't mean anything, just do it anyways.
  • Anyways, unistall IE (if you can) and install another Browser.
  • Mozilla Firefox, Seamonkey, Maxthon, or Opera. Are available browser
  • The problem your having hasn't been fixed by MS yet, and probably won't be fixed.
  • Optional (Not recommended) : Install IE 8 and you can having the same failing program fail more.

Good luck. :twisted:


Staff member
IE 8 is alot better than 7. But still, I would get Firefox or Chrome.
And nice Ads in your post.

Removed Ads.


You can only uninstall IE if you have Win 7, which comes with 8, so that's not an option for him. IE leaks anyway without cleaning up but you should get a better browser anyway.
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