Get a functions length .
BY : (+) 8)
Normal use sample :
Except for __declspec(naked) Functions unless you added __asm ret; at the end .
If in case you get wrong values or find
other C2|C3 in the func , just add more returns to adjust ...
BY : (+) 8)
Normal use sample :
Except for __declspec(naked) Functions unless you added __asm ret; at the end .
If in case you get wrong values or find
other C2|C3 in the func , just add more returns to adjust ...
UINT Length = 0;
The_Func_Lenght( (DWORD) Your_Function, &Length, 1, TRUE );
HRESULT __stdcall The_Func_Lenght( DWORD The_Function_Address, UINT * The_Lenght,
int Number_Of_Returns_In_Func /* If added ret/retn in asm */, BOOL Has_Arguments )
BYTE * Return_Byte;
int Returns_Counted = 0;
for( UINT i = 0; ; i ++ )
Return_Byte = ( BYTE * )( The_Function_Address + i );
if( *Return_Byte == 0xC3 || *Return_Byte == 0xC2 )
if( Returns_Counted >= Number_Of_Returns_In_Func )
if( Has_Arguments )
*The_Lenght = ( i + 1 ) + 2;
*The_Lenght = ( i + 1 );
return S_OK;
return E_FAIL;
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