Error Messages, How To Fix!

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Staff member
here is the solution you told me about the e-mail error messages.

If you get an error message about not being able to receive E-mail when some one replys to your post you need to change a setting.

Follow my step by step walkthrough to solve this problem

1)Log in
You must do this in order to change your settings

2) Click on Profile
The "Profile" button is located on the top of the page under where it says "Troop616 Forums" in bold print.

3) Scroll down untill you reach the title "preferences"

4) Look at the Third choice in the preferences catergory

5) it will say "Always notify me of replies:
Sends an e-mail when someone replies to a topic you have posted in. This can be changed whenever you post."

6) Look to its left

7) Click on the bubble next to "No"

Scroll down untill you see the "submit" button on the bottom

9) click on the "submit" button

ok yes do that and scroll down some more and bubble no where it says notify me of new private messages.
If you are new to the site then you need to do this. but otherwise you dont because i logged in as the admin and changed everyones settings for these things to "no". so dont worry about it unless you sign up after i post this.
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