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Advanced Email Scraper - SaaS Pack


Advanced Email Scraper – SaaS is most powerful web based tool to extract emails by various techniques like website crawl, URL crawl, search in Google/Bing, search in txt/json/xml/doc/docx/pdf file. This script can also check email validation (pattern, MX record) , search for whois data, filter your email list by removing duplicate emails, decode modified email string, check web page status .

It can also extract encrypted emails from sites, work both on http &amp https but can not extract emails generated by JavaScript.

SAAS stands for Software As A Service. This product is identical to our another product Advanced Email Scraper (AES) except that you can receive monthly payment for using AES service from your users if you buy the extended license. Your users will pay you through PayPal.

Key Features

  1. Awesome responsive front-end
  2. User management
  3. Payment management (paypal integration)
  4. Send email to your users
  5. Decode modified email string
  6. Full website crawling (no subdomain)
  7. URL crawling (bulk upload)
  8. Search in Google, Bing with keywords (proxy is recommended)
  9. Whois search (bulk)
  10. Search in txt/doc/docx/pdf/json/xml file (bulk file upload)
  11. Email validation check (patter, MX)
  12. Email filtering (remove duplicate email)
  13. Bulk page status check (56 HTTP code)
Don’t worry about encrypted/modified email

Extract email from text/json/xml/doc/docx/pdf files

How email scraping from Google or Bing Works ?

  • Very simple. Just imagine you want to do your product marketing and need email address to let them know about your product.Think how much time consuming it is to collect email from google or Bing?
  • We have made this work as easy like a click simple.
  • Let say, you want people who are engaged in webdesign profession. So webdesign is your keyword.
  • Put this keyword in the input field, then select Google or Bing for searching.
  • Then try to more specific by selecting social network/ or any other site from where you want to collect emails.
  • Then choose what email you want gmail, yahoo, hotmail, outlook etc.
  • You are done! Start scraping.If you want to narrow your search , then you can target specific location and language also .You don’t need to do anything more.Wait and see the magic of the tools !!! And enjoy your day

Send Notification to User

Awesome Dashboard

Responsive Front End

Quick Installation Guide
  1. Download .zip package
  2. Upload it to your server
  3. Extract the package (make sure all the folders have write permission & your server has cURL enabled and apache mod_rewrite enabled)
  4. Run the uploaded url via browser (http://yourdomain.com/sub1/sub2/.../aes/) and you will find this interface. Here you have to provide the settings for AES:
  • Hostname : database host name / IP
  • Database Name : create a mysql database for AES on your host and write that name here
  • Database username : username of the created database
  • Database password : password of the created database
  • AES Admin Panel Login Email : this email will be used to login as admin
  • AES Admin Panel Login Password : password to log in as admin
  • Company Name and Company Address
  • Company Phone / Mobile
  • Click Install AES Now Button
  • You are done. Log in with your admin email and password and start using AES.


Password : 0v1.org
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