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TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes 2.6.0

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TinyMCE Quattro & its wysiwyg bb codes

If you like the addon, please consider to contribute to its development with a donation
-Thank you
  • This addon activation is done by usergroups, which means you can only use this editor for a few of your users if you want
  • The integration is fully done by a plugin. None of the TinyMCE core files have been modified
  • No matter the editor, the Bb Codes will always parse in your messages, but this Bb Codes will only have a Wysiwyg mode with TinyMCE
  • For XenForo 1.1.x users: this addon will not erase your previous TinyMCE version. You don't want to use it anymore, just disable the addon in one click

  • All major browsers & antiquities such as Internet Explorer 7&8.
  • XenForo Drafts system (as an option)
  • XenForo users tagging system (as an option)
  • XenForo Drag & Drop Upload integrated (as an option)
  • XenForo Image Paste&Upload function integrated (as an option)
  • TinyMCE Skin Creator Tool (as an option - XenMCE skin)
  • XenForo Smilies Box (below the editor)
  • Smiley Manager of Milano

  • Powerful and customizable framework with many options for beginners & coders
  • Wysiwyg Bb Codes (no matter the editor, they will parse in your messages ; so even if you don't enable TinyMCE for your usergroups you can use them):
    • table (more information here)
    • background color
    • justify align
    • quotes (see information here)
    • subscript
    • superscript
    • horizontal rule (hr)
    • anchors (see information here)
    • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 (see screenshots here)
  • Automatic CSS Integration to your style (if you choose this option)
  • Automatic Menu mode
  • Full/Collapsed editor mode
  • Do like always, just be sure to have the below addons installed first
  • Configure the usergroups permissions
Needed addons
  1. For XenForo 1.1.x users (and only for them): TMS
  2. Install the BBM addon to enable the buttons configuration
  3. To support Internet Explorer 7, install the Browser Detection (Mobile/MSIE) addon
None, if you still want to submit bugs, just do it on github. No need to lose your time to report a bug in this thread. It will be ignored.

  • TinyMCE editor
  • Icons provided by IcoMoon from its Ultimate pack and from the WebHostingHub pack
Special thanks to
  • Xfrocks for his [bd] Tag Me addon

If you like the addon, please consider to contribute to its development with a donation. Thanks.
First release
Last update
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