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Lucky Simple Image Align & Text Justify (optional) 1.1.2

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This is a very very light and simple way to align images left or right. Images can have a nice border, text can be justified. I can't see why it wont work on earlier versions, but I've only tested in 1.5


1. Upload the contents of the upload folder to your xenForo installation

2. Go to your admin control panel, go to Custom BBcodes. Click on Import Custom BBcode and import the lucky_bb_codes.xml

3. If you are using a custom style, you will need to change the path in Custom BB Codes > advanced.

If in doubt just add your URL (wherever you xenforo is installed)

(add subdirectory if you installed into /forums/ or whatever)

Add the included CSS code (see installation.txt) to your style's EXTRA.CSS template

Once installed you will see the icons for L, R and Justify in your text editor. (if you don't need justify, merely disable or delete the bbcode and the icon will go)

Select the image then choose either L (for left) or R. This should insert the bbcode to align your image.

Select text and choose the justify icon.

Text Editor Icons:
First release
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