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[DBTech] vBDownloads v2 (vB4) [AJAX] v2.4.8pl1 [Lite]

No permission to download
Major Features:

Searchable Downloads: Search downloads by title, description, author, or a combination of the above.

Importer: vBDownloads currently supports importing from DownloadsII.

Favourite Downloads: Got a download you like? vBDownloads will allow you to easily add it to your favourites list.

Multiple File Downloads: vBDownloads allows you to upload multiple files within one download stopping the need to create 20 different downloads for one thing.

Moderation: vBDownloads comes with its own moderation control panel. This will allow you to easily moderate new files and reports.

DragonByte SEO Integration: Seamlessly integrates with DragonByte SEO to create Friendly URLs for all your downloads & categories.

Extra Pro Features:
Download All Files: This will allow you to easily download all files in a download at the click of a button. These will be added to a zip and returned to you in seconds.

File Ratings: File ratings will allow users to easily separate the good content from the bad.

Downloads Per Day: This feature will allow you to control the number of files and add a limit to the size of downloads users are allowed to download per day.

Private Downloads: This feature will allow you to control who can access a download on a per user basis and allow you to password-protect downloads.

Complete Feature List

System Information
  • Whether the mod is active
  • Total bandwidth usage
  • Monthly bandwidth usage
  • Number of uploaded files
  • Value of php.ini's maximum execution time
  • vBDownloads' version number
  • Number of MBs of disk space all files use
  • Number of MBs of disk space this month's files use
  • Value of php.ini's maximum upload size
  • Value of php.ini's memory limit

  • Group extensions together into Extension Groups
  • Define extension
  • Define MIME Type
  • Define maximum file size
  • Define Max Width / Max Height (only applies to images)

  • Define Title / Description
  • Set display order
  • Choose category image
  • Choose extension groups valid for this category
  • Automatically place new files in moderation queue
  • Per-usergroup Can View Category permission
  • Per-usergroup Can Download Files permission
  • Per-usergroup Can Upload Files permission

Import Utility
  • Import from DownloadsII
  • Preserves all important data
  • Avoids duplicate imports

  • Toggle displaying version number
  • Turn vBDownloads on/off
  • Reason for turning vBDownloads off
  • Welcome Notice for the homescreen
  • Storage path for uploads
  • Custom name for the main .php file
  • Maximum files per download
  • Minimum posts to download
  • Download description preview length
  • Enable/Disable Favourites system
  • Enable/Disable Comments system
  • Enable/Disable Mirrors system
  • File Reporting Reasons
  • Comment Reporting Reasons
  • Mirror Reporting Reasons

Usergroup Permissions
  • Downloads Manager, bypasses certain restrictions
  • Can View vBDownloads
  • Can Download
  • Can Upload
  • Can Favourite
  • Can Comment
  • Download Delay (in seconds)

Home Page
  • Display welcome message
  • Search downloads by title, description, author or any combination of the above
  • Category list in the same style as Forums are listed on Forum Home
  • Display number of files and number of downloads per category
  • Display latest download per category
  • Sub-categories in the same style as sub-forums
  • Sidebar block: Total files and total downloads
  • Sidebar block: Recent files, changes based on what category you're browsing
  • Sidebar block: Top downloads, changes based on what category you're browsing

  • jQuery-powered upload script
  • Works with big files
  • No Flash plugins required
  • Progress bars on uploads
  • Display file sizes in-line
  • Quick deletion of files
  • Toggle which files are screenshots

Download Page
  • Thumbnail
  • Edit / delete file
  • Send file to moderation queue
  • Add to favourites
  • Add a comment
  • Basic file information: Author, Last Updated, Category and Total Downloads
  • File List w/ number of downloads
  • Mirror List w/ number of hits
  • "More From This User" block with thumbnails of other downloads by this user
  • Full description
  • Paginated comments list
  • Edit/Delete comments
  • Password entry page if the download is password protected
  • Download delay page when downloading files if applicable

Favourites List
  • Paginated display of downloads added to favourites
  • Same style as search results

  • Tabbed interface for Moderation Queue / Reports
  • Ability to take no action, approve and deny moderation queue entries
  • Ability to take no action, dismiss or delete reported entries

Thumbnail Generation
  • Ability to choose which image to use for thumbnail generation
  • A physical thumbnail image will be generated when one is requested
  • Saves bandwidth / decreases load time vs. using full image resized

Category Aware Search
  • Choose to restrict search to currently viewed category
  • Only available when browsing a category
  • Perfect for searching through a large downloads database for less unique keywords


Mirror Link Images
  • Define replacement domains
  • Set what image to show instead of direct link to mirror

  • Allow private downloads
  • Allow password protected downloads
  • Category Parent
  • Choose forum to announce new downloads in

  • Download delay page advertisement
  • Path to importable files
  • Enable/Disable [DBTech] vBShout integration
  • Enable/Disable Rating system
  • Enable/Disable ability to download all files as zip
  • Zip filename prefix
  • Post To Thread: Title
  • Post To Thread: Message

Usergroup Permissions
  • Maximum downloads per day
  • Maximum downloads size per day
  • Can Rate Downloads
  • Can Create Category
  • Can Import Files

Home Page
  • Sidebar block: Highest rated, changes based on what category you're browsing

Download Page
  • Rate the download +1/-1
  • "Download All Files" button
  • Display advertisement on downloads delay page

Manage Categories
  • Allows users with the necessary permissions to manage categories via front-end
  • Download Managers can edit all Category settings
  • Non-Managers see their categories added to moderation queue

Import Files
  • Allows users with the necessary permissions to import files from the filesystem
  • Pre-defined path or custom path
  • Imported files aren't copied or moved
  • Ability to skip or re-import files
  • Per-file category assignment
  • Per-file download title

Who's Online Display
  • Displays users / guests browsing vBDownloads
  • Uses same HTML/CSS as forum home's "What's Going On" box
  • Displays full markup username
  • Can be turned off via vBulletin Options

vBDownloads Statistics Display
  • Displays total number of downloads
  • Displays total number of files
  • Displays total bandwidth usage
  • Displays total storage space usage
  • Uses same HTML/CSS as forum home's "Forum Statistics" box
  • Can be turned off via vBulletin Options

Per-Usergroup "Minimum Posts" Bypass
  • Ability to bypass the "Minimum Posts" setting per-usergroup
  • Perfect for donator / VIP usergroups
  • Toggled via Usergroup Manager
This mod displays a copyright notification in the footer of pages generated by this mod which includes:
  • 1 Link to DragonByte Technologies homepage
  • 1 Link to Product Description page of this modification
  • 1 Link to Hivelocity Hosting (Lite version only, removable via a vBulletin Option)
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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