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Convert Image All 4.0

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The Convert Image All add-on will convert hot linked images to attachments.

This add-on is designed to convert all existing hot linked images contained in all posts. It should also be used every few months to verify there are no hot linked images on your forum.
Note: In addition to this add-on, please be sure to install the Convert Image add-on located here:

The Convert Image add-on will convert hot linked images immediately after a message is saved.
Key Features:
  • Images resized using ImageMagick for highest quality
  • Images resized to maximum width and height settings in Admin Control Panel (Options -> Attachments)
  • Setting for temporary image directory
  • Requires ImageMagick to be installed on your server
  • Requires exec() and chmod execution
XenForo Control Panel Requirements:

This add-on requires a restricted Maximum Attachment Image Dimensions setting. You cannot use 0 or blank as an option. I use the 1600 x 1600 on my forum.

Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> Attachments

  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. Upload the Andy folder to your server. The correct location will be library/Andy.
  3. From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page.
  4. Upload the addon-ConvertImage_v4.0.xml file.
  5. Click the Install Add-on button.

Operation Step 1:

Be sure to disable any server side database caching programs.

Operation Step 2:

Add "convertimageall" to the end of the URL in your browser.

Full Friendly URLs

non-Full Friendly URLs

At this point you will see the following:

Operation Step 3:

To convert hot links images, click the "Update X posts" link.

At this point you will receive a confirmation "Update successful" message.

Press the back button. At this point it will appear as nothing has happened because you are looking at a cached page, if you reload the page you will see the next post number to convert.

Once you have verified the add-on is working correctly, you can increase the Limit in the Options, then reload the page. For example you can set the Limit switch to 1000:

Click the "Update posts" link and 1000 posts will have hot linked images converted to attachments.

Question and Answers:

Q: Some hot linked image are not converted, why is this?
A: If a hot linked image is corrupt and internal information about width and height are not able to be read, these images are not converted and will require manual fixing.

Q: Why isn't GD supported?
A: GD does a terrible job of creating large images.

Q: Can files in the /tmp/ directory be deleted?
A: Yes, they are not required.
First release
Last update
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